In addition to our certified accountants, we have the skills, knowledge and charisma to handle all of your accounting needs. We are ready to tackle any financial challenges that you may have as your trusted tax planner and financial advisor.
About us 关于我们
Ms. Qian have been specializing in accounting, payroll, WA B&O tax and Local tax, Sales tax consultation for 50 states in US since 2005.
Ms. Li has been specialized in federal tax reporting and consulting for all types of entities (Corporations, Partnerships, Non-profit organizations, and etc.) and individuals, as well as related international tax and state income tax reporting and consulting.
钱会计师擅长企业财务,薪资及薪资税, 华州及地方营业税,各州销售税,公司设立等。李会计师专攻联邦及各州个人,企业所得税的申报,包括有限责任公司,合伙人,非盈利机构等,并提供专业国际税务,新移民税务规划与咨询。